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Race Matters

Ongoing events in our country reveal the effects of lingering racism, bias and inequality in our society. This collection of programming and learning resources from public media and NPT's archives deals with the complex history of race relations in the U.S.

Confronting Anti-Blackness

Confronting Anti-Blackness  Trailer

While we often hear the words “racism” and “white privilege” in today’s discourse around racial justice, “anti-Blackness” seems to get lost in the conversation. To rectify anti-Blackness, it is imperative to understand and be able to identify the ways it manifests. This discussion will help us identify anti-Blackness in our everyday lives and discuss ways it may be confronted.

PBS Learning Media

Resources for Middle and High School Students


The Civil Rights Landscape Today for People of Color

Resources for Younger Children


Alike & Different | Daniel Tiger: Life's Little Lessons

How to Teach Children about Cultural Awareness and Diversity